Kimsooja: Art & Everyday Life | Art21 "Exclusive"

Subject: Art
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Episode #114: With her video "Sewing into Walking" as a backdrop, Kimsooja tells a story about mending traditional Korean bed covers and realizing that art can be drawn out of everyday activities.

Kimsooja's videos and installations blur the boundaries between aesthetics and transcendent experience through their use of repetitive actions, meditative practices, and serial forms. In many pieces, everyday actions—such as sewing or doing laundry—become two- and three-dimensional or performative activities. In videos that feature her in various personas (Needle Woman, Beggar Woman, Homeless Woman), she leads us to reflect on the human condition, offering open-ended perspectives through which she presents and questions reality.

Learn more about Kimsooja:

VIDEO | Producer: Wesley Miller & Nick Ravich. Interview: Susan Sollins. Camera: Richard Numeroff. Sound: Merce Williams. Editor: Lizzie Donahue & Paulo Padilha. Artwork Courtesy: Kimsooja.