Winter 2013 ICT Educator Conference - Ebooks & Mobile Apps for Technician Education (E-MATE)

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"E-books and Mobile Apps for Technician Education (E-MATE)"

Michael Qaissaunee
Professor & Chair, Engineering & Technology
Brookdale Community College
When college students are forced to make a choice between the purchase of a new mobile device, such as a tablet or phone, and textbooks, whose prices continue to increase, no one should be surprised that most of these students will choose the mobile device. We are working to provide students a better choice to the scenario just posed.

We will detail our efforts to develop educational e-books and mobile apps for technical education disciplines. Additionally, we will provide a survey of the current state of the art in e-books and e-book creation, as well as an update on the development of a generic framework of templates, sample code, documentation and other material to be shared with other faculty and institutions.