1.1 Substances and Solutions - Introduction to Chemical Moles |
1.2 Substances and Solutions - Moles and Chemical Formulas |
1.3 Substances and Solutions - Introduction to Molarity |
1.4 Substances and Solutions - Combustion Analysis |
2.1 Stoichiometry - Chemical Reaction Equations |
2.2 Stoichiometry - Precipitation Reactions and Net Ionic Equations |
2.3 Stoichiometry - Acid-Base Reactions |
2.4 Stoichiometry - Oxidation-Reduction Reactions |
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Download Captions: 2.5_Stoichiometry_-_Introduction_to_Oxidation_Numbers.vtt2.5 Stoichiometry - Introduction to Oxidation Numbers |
2.6 Stoichiometry - Reaction Stoichiometry |
2.7 Stoichiometry - Limiting Reactants |
2.8 Stoichiometry - Acid-Base Titration |
3.1 Thermochemistry - Introduction to Enthalpy |
3.2 Thermochemistry - Thermochemical Equations and Calculations |
3.3 Thermochemistry - Enthalpies of Formation and Reaction Enthalpies |
3.4 Thermochemistry - Introduction to Hess's Law |
3.5 Thermochemistry - Introduction to Calorimetry |
4.1 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - Introduction to Chemical Bonding and Lewis Structures |
4.2 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - Introduction to Resonance |
4.3 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - Formal charges |
4.4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - Electronegativity and Bond Polarity |
4.5 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - Molecular Shapes and Polarity |
4.6 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - Bond Energies and Reaction Enthalpy |
4.7 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry - Hybridization |
5.1 Gases - Part 1 |
5.2 Gases - Part 2 |
5.3 Gases - Part 3 |
5.4 Gases - Part 4 |
5.5 Gases - Part 5 |
5.6 Gases - Part 6 |
5.7 Gases - Part 7 |
6.1 Liquids and Solids - Introduction to Intermolecular Forces |
6.2 Liquids and Solids - Properties of Liquids |
6.3 Liquids and Solids - Phase Transitions - Part 1 |
6.4 Liquids and Solids - Phase Transitions - Part 2 |
6.5 Liquids and Solids - Phase Diagrams |
7.1 Solutions - The Dissolution Process |
7.2 Solutions - Electrolytes |
7.3 Solutions - Gas Solubility |
7.4 Solutions - Freezing Point Depression and Boiling Point Elevation |
12.4 Electrochemistry - The Nernst Equation |
12.3 Electrochemistry - Balancing Redox Reactions in Acidic Solution |
12.2 Electrochemistry - Electrochemical Cell/Reaction Calculations |
12.1 Electrochemistry - Introduction to Electrochemical Cells |
11.4 Thermodynamics - Part 4 |
11.3 Thermodynamics - Part 3 |
11.2 Thermodynamics - Part 2 |
11.1 Thermodynamics - Part 1 |
10.7 Acid-Base Equilibria - Polyprotic Acids |
10.6 Acid-Base Equilibria - Acid and Base Strength and Structure |
10.5 Acid-Base Equilibria - Weak Acid/Strong Base Titration Calculations |
10.4 Acid-Base Equilibria - Buffers - Part 2 |
10.3 Acid-Base Equilibria - Buffers - Part 1 |
10.2 Acid-Base Equilibria - Acid-Base Equilibria and Calculations |
10.1 Acid-Base Equilibria - Balancing Redox Reactions in Acidic Solution |
9.2 Chemical Equilibrium - Equilibrium Calculations |
9.1 Chemical Equilibrium - Introduction to Chemical Equilibrium |
8.5 Chemical Kinetics - Reaction Mechanisms |
8.4 Chemical Kinetics - Effect of Temperature and Activation Energy |
8.3 Chemical Kinetics - Graphing to Determine Rate Law |
8.2 Chemical Kinetics - 1st Order Reaction Calculations |
8.1 Chemical Kinetics - Introduction to Chemical Kinetics |
7.6 Solutions - Osmosis |
7.5 Solutions - Vapor Pressure Lowering |