CCC Board of Governors Meeting | November 2019
November 18, 2019 | 9:00am - 5:00pm
Chancellor’s Office Board of Governors Chambers
1102 Q Street, 6th Floor Sacramento, CA 95811
Standing Orders of Business
Consent Calendar (video)
Item 1.1: September 16-17, 2019, Board Meeting Minutes (Dr. Daisy Gonzales)
This item presents the September 16-17, 2019 Board meeting minutes for review and approval by the Board of Governors.
Item 1.2: Fiscal Independence Status Requests (Frances Parmelee)
This item presents two requests for fiscal independence status to the Board of Governors for approval. West Valley Mission Community College District and Gavilan Joint Community College District requested fiscal independence status to be effective July 1, 2020.
Item 2.1: Approval of Contracts and Grants (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) (video)
This item recommends that the Board of Governors approve entering into the contracts and grants described in the November 2019 agenda.
Item 2.2: Request to Change Election System at the San Joaquin Delta Community College (Marc LeForestier) (video)
This item requests approval for the San Joaquin Delta Community College District to move from an at-large election system to a by-trustee area election system for district elections.
Item 2.3: Proposed Amendments to Board Procedures and Standing Orders Concerning Board Member Conduct (Marc LeForestier) (video)
Board of Governors (Board) President Epstein has requested a proposal to update the Board Procedures and Standing Orders governing Board member conduct. This item provides a proposal for the Board’s consideration.
Item 2.4: Extended Opportunity Programs and Services 50 Year Anniversary (Rhonda Mohr) (video)
This item recommends the adoption of a resolution recognizing the California Community Colleges Extended Opportunity Programs and Services for 50 years of service for the Board of Governors approval.
Item 2.5: 2019-20 District Full-Time Faculty Obligation Number (Frances Parmelee) (video)
This item presents information for the Board of Governors’ consideration in determining whether the Budget Act of 2019 provides adequate funding to support an increase in districts’ full-time faculty hiring obligations for Fall 2020.
Item 2.6: Election of Board Officers (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) (video)
This item calls for the election of board officers for 2020.
Item 2.7: 2020 Board of Governors Campus Visit (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) (video)
This item presents the Board of Governors with an opportunity to select the location for its September 2020 campus visit.
Item 2.8: Board of Governors Meeting Dates for 2021 (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) (video)
This item presents the 2021 Board of Governors meeting dates.
First Reading
Item 3.1: Unlawful Discrimination Regulation Changes (Marc LeForestier) (video)
This item is a first reading and public hearing of proposed amendments to title 5 related to the community college system’s process for addressing unlawful discrimination.
Information and Reports
Item 4.1: State and Federal Update (Laura Metune) (video)
This item provides the Board of Governors with an update on state and federal policy and advocacy activities, and a summary of new legislation approved by the Governor.
Item 4.2: Vision for Success Spotlight: Assembly Bill 705 (Marty Alvarado) (video)
This item provides an update on student outcomes in transfer-level English and mathematics leading up to the deadline for full implementation of Assembly Bill 705 in Fall 2019, highlighting three recent reports from the RP Group, PPIC, and Campaign for College Opportunity.
Item 4.3: Update on the Student Centered Funding Formula (Laura Metune) (video)
This item provides the Board of Governors with an update on the ongoing implementation of the Student Centered Funding Formula.
Item 4.4: California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee Update (Sheneui Weber) (video)
This item provides the Board of Governors with an update on recent activities of the California Workforce Pathways Joint Advisory Committee.
Item 4.5: Chancellor’s Office Oversight of Calbright Community College District (Marc LeForestier) (video)
This item presents information to the Board of Governors regarding the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office oversight of Calbright Community College District.
Item 4.6: Participatory Governance and Statewide Engagement (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) (video)
This item responds to a request by the Board of Governors to report on all statewide participatory governance structures by the Chancellor’s Office, including statewide advisory committees, workgroups, and task forces.
Item 4.7: Foundation for California Community Colleges Annual Report (Keetha Mills) (video)
This item presents the Foundation for California Community Colleges’ fiscal year 2019 annual accomplishments in its role as the official auxiliary nonprofit supporting the California Community Colleges.
Item 4.8: Board Member Reports (Eloy Ortiz Oakley) (video)
Board of Governors members will report on their activities since the September 2019 meeting.
Public Forum (video)
People wishing to make a presentation to the board on a subject not on the agenda shall observe the following procedures:
A. A written request to address the board shall be made on the form provided at the meeting.
B. Written testimony may be of any length, but 50 copies of any written material are to be provided.
C. An oral presentation is limited to three minutes. A group wishing to present on the same subject is limited to 10 minutes.